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FRAGEN & ANTWORTEN2023-06-21T14:47:06+00:00


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Podcasts de Medicina Antiaging2024-01-24T16:33:56+00:00
Dr. Vicente Mera,Interview. European Award in Medicine 20212022-02-22T08:59:14+00:00
Dr. Vicente Mera, from SHA Wellness Clinic, receives the European Award in Medicine 20212022-02-21T15:13:06+00:00
Doctoralia 5 Stars Specialist, Dr. Vicente Mera2022-02-21T15:20:26+00:00

Translation from Article in Newspaper el mundo




Healthy-Aging Expert DR Mera2021-12-17T10:48:42+00:00

Translation from Article in Newspaper el mundo


What is ‘healthy aging’? Is it the same as ‘antiaging’?
In essence it is the same, but we prefer to call it ‘healthy aging’ or healthy aging, since it is a broader concept. In certain circles, ‘antiageing’ has negative connotations (anti-aging) and is sometimes only focused on the external appearance. This vision of the discipline is totally outdated today. The ‘healthy aging’ is much deeper and, in any case, without neglecting the improvement of physical appearance, it is carried out from the inside out (and not the other way around).
The goal is no longer just to live many years, but to live them better, isn’t it?
I believe that now what is sought are both things at the same time. That is, adding life to the years; but also years to life. The two things often go hand in hand. You don’t need to give up either goal.
What is the secret to get it?
The key to success is always the same, for health and any other human activity: putting yourself in the hands of an expert to know what to do and then putting it into practice (yourself) with a routine and a lot of discipline.
What is our ‘room for maneuver’? How much does DNA ‘weigh’?
Genetic predisposition always hovers over our health. It is difficult to establish the absolute weight, at the present time. However, it should be remembered that, although genetics is a necessary cause for getting sick or aging rapidly, it is not a sufficient cause. Lifestyle has been shown to transform our predispositions. This is what we call epigenetics, which can influence in a positive or negative sense. The relationship between genetics and lifestyle is very similar to that between Foucault’s pendulum and Earth’s rotation.


The Three Tricks to live Long and Full of Health. Europe’s Leading Anti-Aging Expert2021-12-17T09:12:56+00:00

Spanish Article Diario de Avisos El Español

The concern about aging is one of the greatest that human beings live. Treatments to prevent physical changes from being noticed and other prevention mechanisms are sold everywhere, but there is a Spanish doctor who has been recognized for the way to approach healthy aging.

The secret of success, he assures, “is always the same, for health and any other human activity: putting yourself in the hands of an expert to know what to do and then putting it into practice (yourself) with a routine and A lot of discipline”. Three pillars Beyond that, it must be taken into account that “the structure that sustains aging” is based on three fundamental pillars: “healthy eating (in quality and quantity), cardiovascular and isometric physical exercise (activating muscles) and good management of emotions and stress ”, he highlights. After this trio of fundamental aces and supported by them, “there are a half dozen factors that must be kept in optimal condition,” he clarifies. Among them, the neutralization of toxins, the optimization of the immune system, the care of the intestinal microbiotics, the hormonal balance, a correct hydration and the enhancement of the anti-inflammatory mechanisms of the organism stand out.


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Der ultimative Leitfaden für gesundes Altern2021-03-31T12: 44: 04 + 00: 00
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Programme für gesundes Altern2021-03-31T12: 39: 27 + 00: 00
Benötigen Sie einen Anti-Aging-Neustart2021-03-31T12: 35: 36 + 00: 00
Die Wissenschaft der Langlebigkeit mit Vicente Mera2021-03-31T11: 25: 00 + 00: 00
Por qué es tan Importante Dormir bien2021-03-30T14: 00: 40 + 00: 00
Personas que parecen Jóvenes2021-03-30T13: 53: 58 + 00: 00
La Cronodisrupción, causa del Envejecimiento2021-03-30T11: 24: 17 + 00: 00
Telomerasa y Antiaging. Sha Wellness Clinic2021-03-30T10: 21: 14 + 00: 00
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Qué hacen los Expertos und Salud von Vivir Más y Mejor2021-03-30T09: 29: 21 + 00: 00
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La Dieta del Sueño o como Dormir Bien ayuda a Perder Peso2021-03-26T15: 53: 56 + 00: 00
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Retrasar el Envejecimiento2021-03-26T13: 49: 56 + 00: 00
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Aufhören zu rauchen von DR Vicente Mera2021-03-23T15: 18: 06 + 00: 00
Mittelmeer-Gesundheitswesen. Medizinische Behandlungen & Feiertage2021-03-23T15: 13: 25 + 00: 00
Wellness Center in Spanien. Experten für Anti-Aging2021-03-22T15: 36: 27 + 00: 00
Cómo Envejecer Bien, con Elegancia y de manera Lobende Siguiendo la Filosofía del 'Gesundes Altern'2021-03-22T15: 50: 40 + 00: 00
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Haben Sie irgendwelche Fragen?

In Kontakt kommen

Dr. Vicente Mera

Leitender Arzt
Facharzt für Innere Medizin
Klinischer Ultraschall (Gefäß, Schilddrüse, Leber & Knochen)
Schlaf-, Anti-Raucher- und Entgiftungsmedizin
Genomische & Anti-Aging-Medizin


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