Post-Covid19 Symptoms. Your Questions Answered by Internal Specialist, Dr Mera

My 17 year old daughter who is very fit and active, a couple of months ago contracted COVID-19. Thankfully her symptoms were not too severe, but now she is lethargic, complains of shortness of breath and cannot seem to concentrate, could this be an-after effect of the virus?

Most people who contract COVID-19 are lucky enough to completely recover within two to three weeks. Some, however even those who suffered a mild version can continue to experience symptoms after their initial recovery. These after symptoms have been called post-COVID-19 syndrome.

People suffering with serious medical conditions and the elderly are most likely to have lingering effects of the virus, but healthy young people like your daughter can also be a sufferer, causing them to feel unwell for months affecting their mental health causing depression in some cases problems with their studies and homelife.

Some of the most common signs are lack of concentration and difficulty thinking, fatigue and mood changes, trouble breathing, joint and chest pain. In some circumstance’s loss of taste and smell and a persistent headache can also be long-term effects of the virus.

Contact her GP about having a chest x-ray to check that there has been no long-term damage to her lungs and to discuss if there are any natural supplement that can help with her symptoms.

If you have any questions on further topics then email Dr Mera on and look out for your answer in an upcoming edition.

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