Sleep Apnoea.Your Questions Answered by Internal Specialist, Dr Mera

Doctor, I am at the end of my tether, my wife constantly complains of my snoring and is now threatening to move into the spare room. I am not overweight, exercise regularly and have stopped drinking alcohol to see if this would help, with no luck. What do you suggest I do next?

One of the main causes of the symptoms you are describing is Sleep Apnoea. This is a potentially serious sleep disorder where periods of shallow breathing occur whilst asleep, happening up to 30 times an hour and for seconds to minutes at a time, causing the brain to become starved of oxygen. When the brain becomes aware of this, it triggers the body to arouse for long enough to gasp, choke, or snort to take in air, keeping you alive by reopening the airways.

There are three main types of sleep apnoea, Obstructive, Central and Complex. Some of the main indicators are snoring, morning headaches and a dry mouth when awakening. Contact your Dentist who can detect and give a positive diagnosis. A personalised Mandibular splint can be made for you to wear at night, repositioning your jaw and tongue to help improve airflow reposition, enabling a healthy and peaceful night’s sleep for both you and your wife.

If you have any questions on further topics then email Dr Mera on and look out for your answer in an upcoming edition.

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