Ménopause & Contrôle des Naissances. Vos questions répondues par le Spécialiste en Médicine Interne, le Dr.Mera

You can still get pregnant.

Some women get more casual about birth control in their 40s, thinking there’s no way they could get pregnant — but you’re still fertile, just less so.

There’s another reason to keep taking hormonal birth control: It could help smooth your path through menopause. The steady dose of hormones in pills and IUDs means your body may not fully register the decline of natural estrogen and progesterone. In other words, symptoms might not be as erratic. A lot of women have ridiculously heavy or erratic periods in perimenopause, and progesterone-releasing IUDs, especially, help avoid that.

If you have any further qestions then contact Dr Mera personally on, 545152@gmail.com

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