Should all women use hormones after Menopause to prevent osteoporosis?. Your Questions Answered by Internal Specialist, Dr. Mera
¿Todas las mujeres deberían usar hormonas después de la menopausia para prevenir la osteoporosis?
Women should consideR their options at the time of the menopause and discuss them with their doctor. Generally, all women should be on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after the menopause, not only to prevent osteoporosis, but to also prevent heart disease, strokes, premature ageing of the skin, Alzheimer’ s disease and generally protect the body from ageing too quickly. It always necessary to exclude any contra-indications to HRT, such as liver disease or blood clots. If a woman is small boned and has a family history of osteoporosis, she has an increased risk of osteoporosis, and HRT is even more important. The main problem most women complain of with HRT is the continuation of their periods beyond the normal time for their cessarion. As all women are different, finding the correct dosage can sometimes be a matter of trial and error. These blood tests are useful for determining menopause because FSH levels rise and estrogen levels fall during menopause.
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