Itchy Skin in in Menopause. Your Questions Answered by Internal Specialist, Dr. Mera

So, is itchy skin a menopause symptom? It certainly is. It’s one of the more common ones and so many women come to me wondering about why it’s happened and what they can do to help themselves because it can be extremely disruptive to everyday life.

So yes, this is very common. It can be very distressing, especially if you’re out and suddenly, your skin starts to itch. And very often it’s not just a little itch somewhere. It can be the fact that your whole body feels as if it’s on fire. It can be very, very itchy. It can be very, very hot, and it can start to get irritated even further by your clothes.

It can happen anywhere on the body. It can be on the face, the neck, it can be the arms, the legs. It can be the genital area. It can be the scalp. So you name it, you can get itchy at that particular place.

There’s also another condition that’s very, very similar and it’s called formication. And women tell me they feel like little ants are crawling up the inside of the skin. With this one, you don’t get any of the tell-tale spots, or blotches, or rashes. It’s just this constant itch that you can feel underneath the skin.

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